The Nitchie Baby

The New Schedule

The Nitchie Baby

Fidy Says
1st August 2007

The New Schedule

posted in Uncategorized |

Sorry I haven’t posted any new photos in the past week. Shannon’s parents left over the weekend, leaving the three of us on our own, and a bit more on all our plates. The schedule goes something like this:

7:00 A.M. Wake. Wonder why the alarm is going off so soon. Realize that three hours passed the moment your head hit the pillow. Spend several moments absorbing the fact that you have to be awake now.

7:05-7:10 A.M. Stumble out to change Connor’s diaper. Bemoan the fact that he didn’t really poo since the last time you changed him; worry that he’s not getting enough food.

7:10-7:30 A.M. Shannon feeds Connor; I try and get my bearings and figure out how to put on clothes. Maybe read a bit of news on the interweb.

7:30-7:50 A.M. I supplement the feeding he just got with a bottle, to make sure he gets enough. Quality time with the kid. Yay.

7:43 A.M. Oh. There’s the poo.

7:46 A.M. And there it is again.

7:50-7:55 A.M. Change Connor’s diaper a second time. Dread the day when the poo acquires odor.

7:55-8:30 A.M. Shannon goes back to bed. I eat some granola bars and drink a tall glass of water, and head to work.

9:00 A.M. to 5:30ish P.M. I go to work. Shannon does laundry, visits with friends, and repeats the above procedure at 10, 1, and 4, minus the supplemental feeding.

5:30ish-6:30ish P. M. Run errands on the way home, buying diapers, wipes, cat food, and whatever else we’ve run out of in the past 24 hours.

6:30ish P.M. I arrive home, likely with some prepared foodstuffs, and we eat.

7:00-8:00 P.M. See twelve hours ago.

8:00-10:00 P.M. Accomplish required tasks and duties, which include, but are not limited to: gathering trash, emptying litter boxes, keeping Connor calm (just holdinh him does the trick), doing the dishes, calling relatives, uploading photos, and writing blog posts for you people (sidebar: typing is a lot slower with a baby in your arms). At the rate I’m going, I might finish Harry Potter by the time he’s old enough to read it himself. I’ll probably never watch T.V. again.

10:00 P.M.-10:45 P.M. The feeding/changing cycle begins anew.

10:45 P.M.-11:45 P.M. If I’m lucky, squeeze in some me time, shrouded in guilt, knowing I should go to bed, knowing I’ll regret it if I don’t, but doing it anyway. Read, e-mail people, get in some much-coveted Potter time. If I’m unlucky, Connor gets fussy, and we have him time instead.

11:45 P.M.-1:00 A.M. Naptime.

1:00-1:35 A.M. We wake. I feed and change him. Shannon pumps. We put him back in the bassinet and please please please go back to sleep.

1:30-4:00 A.M. Blessed oblivion. Unless he’s fussy, in which case… put it this way. He’s cute as can be, and we love him to death, but dealing with him in the middle of the night is no fun whatsoever.

4:00-4:01 A.M. Wha? Whassdatnoise? Where am I? Who are you people? What am I doing here? Oh. Oh yeah. Maybe if I roll over it’ll go away. No? No. Dang.

4:01-4:35 A.M. We wake. Sort of. Not really. Once I figure out how to walk, I try to remember where the refrigerator is and how to work the sink to get the hot water to warm a bottle. Shannon tries to remember how to use the pump. I change him. Clumsily. He’s unimpressed.

4:35-7:00 A.M. I’m not actually convinced any time passes here; as soon as my head hits the pillow the alarm goes off at 7:00.

Rinse, rather, and repeat. Totally worth it. But my point is: there’s not a lot of time for that relaxed, laid-back takin’-pictures-of-the-baby time you used to see on those Kodak commercials. At this very moment, I look like this:


But I’m guessing when you asked for more photos, this isn’t quite what you had in mind.

Fortunately for you, Mr. and Mrs. Awesome (Uncle Mike and Aunt Michelle) were here on Monday, along with our brother Matt, in town for the day so the three of us could do some bachelor partying. Photography ensued, mostly by Michelle. The pictures are over at the flickr set. Head on over, and enjoy! And thanks for stopping by.

There are currently 5 responses to “The New Schedule”

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  1. 1 On August 1st, 2007, Jonathan Duty said:

    Yeah.. I remember this…. Its amazing what you can do with less than 3-5 hours of sleep. Hang in there, it will get better. The first night he sleeps 6+ hours straight you will feel like you can lift and throw entire cars. Anyways, you need these experiences so you can have leverage when he is 16 and doesn’t want to cut the lawn.

  2. 2 On August 1st, 2007, Uncle Mike said:

    Dude, I’m telling you, it’s all about those borders subscriptions. It might in fact change your life.

    P.S. you need to be a writer. People pay money for stuff of lower quality than what you are putting on the internet. For free. So, with all that free time you have, write a book.

    Ok, enough awkward small talk 😉

  3. 3 On August 14th, 2007, MayaBee said:

    I second Mike’s comment- Chris you need to be a writer.

    Also – they need to start handing out awards to parents REALLY!

  4. 4 On February 18th, 2008, The Nitchie Baby » Goop is Gone (Hopefully) said:

    […] the night getting up every three hours to get some food in him up until 3:00.  You know, like we used to do.  For three months.  How soon we forget.  I have no idea how we survived.Then we got up at 5 so […]

  5. 5 On February 18th, 2008, The Goo is Gone (Hopefully) » The Nitchie Baby said:

    […] spent the night getting up every three hours to get some food in him up until 3:00. You know, like we used to do. For three months. How soon we forget. I have no idea how we survived.Then we got up at 5 so we […]

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