The Nitchie Baby

Connor Loughlin Nitchie

The Nitchie Baby

Fidy Says
17th July 2007

Connor Loughlin Nitchie

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Baby came. Connor Loughlin Nitchie. Monday, 7/16/07, 19:58. 5 lbs, 8ish oz. I’d planned a fancy poety post about the labor and the birth, about how he wasn’t there and then he was and how it’s as simple and profound as that, but the theme of today seems to be that what you plan and what happens don’t always get along. True: he wasn’t there, and then he was, but then he wasn’t breathing. Or rather, as the pediatrician put it, he was breathing, but “not consistently.” As you might expect, something like that turns the supposed beauty of childbirth into the most terrifying pocket of time imaginable, and I’d rather not talk about it, because it was awful, and besides:

He’s fine. He’s in the NICU on a ventilator, and everything else about him seems perfect. He’s on an IV for antibiotics (he spent 17 hours in a ruptured sack, which introduces major possibilities for infection), and they said before I left the hospital at 1:30 A.M. that they may be able to wean him off of the ventilator by later this (Tuesday) morning, and get him out of the NICU in a few days.

Shannon’s doing well, though a bit fuzzy. The labor, though long (as Mike noted, the water broke at 2:30 a.m., and he didn’t come until nearly 8 p.m.), wasn’t one of those horror story births you hear about (epidurals are wonderful). When it came time to push, we went through maybe 12-15 rounds, and then out he came. Shannon rocked it. And now she’s a bit fuzzy, and hopefully sleeping.

Me? I snuck home for a few hours of sleep (currently on Hour 25 of consciousness after around 2 hours’ sleep), and am finally starting to come down off the adrenaline high. I left the camera at the hospital, so I don’t have any pictures, but they’ll be along eventually. But trust me: he’s beautiful.

Bed now. More later.

There are currently 9 responses to “Connor Loughlin Nitchie”

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  1. 1 On July 17th, 2007, Jenn & Leeanne said:

    Congratulations :)
    We are so happy for you .. we cannot wait to meet Connor (by the way..what a great name). Let us know if we can do anything for you..
    Give Shannon our love – see you soon.

  2. 2 On July 17th, 2007, Jenn & Leeanne said:

    Oh yeah, by the way…July 16th is a awesome day :)

  3. 3 On July 17th, 2007, Mom and Dad Nitchie said:

    Congratulations! We’re thrilled. And you and Shannon were spectacular (we were scared right along with you for that hour or so.) We love the name. And we love Connor passionately, even though we haven’t met him. And we love both of you. Enjoy the next 18 years to the fullest. Love, Mom and Dad Nitchie

  4. 4 On July 17th, 2007, Jonathan Duty said:

    Congrads to you both! I can’t wait to see the little guy. This is the beginning of a really awesome time and I can’t wait for you guys to start enjoying it (I know right now things are still wearing off from the last few days). Kerry and I are so happy for you.

    I’d love to come visit! Let me know when I can drop by.


  5. 5 On July 17th, 2007, Tonua said:


    We’re all agreed. We love the name! :)

    I’m so glad he and Shannon are both doing well. I can’t wait to meet him!


  6. 6 On July 17th, 2007, Jason & Greta Myers said:

    We undoubtedly have sympathy for your unexpected scare. Good thing you live in Ann Arbor and were able to put Connor into the best hands in the country. The NICU is scary no matter what the situation. We can’t wait to meet the little guy.

    Jason and Greta

  7. 7 On July 17th, 2007, Becky said:

    Congratulations! I’m so glad that everyone is doing OK. Hope the next few days get even better.

  8. 8 On July 17th, 2007, MayaBee said:

    HOORAY He’s arrived!!!!!
    I am so glad that all is well.
    I love you guys so much!!
    Connor is a FANTASTIC name by the way!

  9. 9 On July 16th, 2008, What a Difference a Year Makes » The Nitchie Baby said:

    […] one year ago, circa 9 PM, roughly two hours old (you’ve seen the hand […]

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