More Birthday Pictures
I’m finally getting around to posting some more pictures from Connor’s birthday party, and also from our trip to Montana for the wedding of Shannon’s cousin Collin.
There are some great ones from the party. here’s Connor with our friend Nichole and her son Desmond:
Then there’s this one, also of Connor and Desmond. This one pretty much sums up their personalities (sorry Dez):
The more I look at that, the more I laugh. Some of you may remember Desmond from Connor’s first few weeks:
The rest of the birthday photos are here. As I mentioned, I’ve also posted our Montana pictures, which are here. Here he is ready to set out, riding on the back of his Uncle Pat:
Of course the Montana pictures were taken using Shannon’s mom’s camera, because promptly after Connor’s birthday, my camera up and died on me. I’m in the process of deciding whether to get it fixed (for $150) or replacing it with a later-model refurb from the company at a hefty discount (anybody have an opinion on either the Canon G9 or EOS Digital Rebel XT?). So feh on that.
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